Danone Alpro

Leading the change towards sustainability

The starting point
what we did

+ Target insights definition
+ Brand positioning
+ OOH communication campaign: design & implementation
+ Sponsorship management
+ Commercial agreements
+ Activation strategy & execution
+ Content generation & amplification
+ Reporting

Our move

We identified an opportunity that would allow us to enhance Alpro’s positioning in terms of sustainability and caring for the planet: to establish a partnership with the largest ecosystem of ski resorts and mountains in the Pyrenees, FGC Turisme.

Ski resorts and mountain areas are in a process of transition towards a more sustainable model, aiming to minimize environmental impact on the surroundings and the utilization of natural resources.

We sealed a strategic partnership with the aim of raising awareness among society on the fact that we have a fundamental role in preserving the mountains and ski resorts that we cherish. The small gestures of everyday life have a much greater impact than we think.


The first step was to investigate the main insights of the skiing universe to create a relevant ecosystem of touchpoints:

• Emotional connection: they feel passion for winter sports and are concerned about the impact of climate change on something they love so much.

• Momentums: they have distinct behavioral dynamics with different objectives in each moment.

• Verbatims: they use technical and common language within the community.

The next step was to implement the brand in the ski resorts, with the challenge of fully understanding the characteristics of each platform in order to adapt the copies and creatives according to the format. Keeping the insights in mind at all times allowed us to ensure qualitative impacts.

Next, we created the “Ski Break for the Planet”, a brand activation concept aimed at breaking the consumption barriers of skiers to try plant-based coffee. During the four busiest Saturdays of the season, Alpro funded plant-based coffee in all establishments in La Molina.

To conclude the “Ski Break for the Planet”, on World Nature Day, we organized a grand closing party at one of La Molina’s busiest terraces. We enjoyed a professional Barista preparing specialty coffees with Alpro, live music throughout the day, and a photocall to create memorable moments for the attendees.

To communicate the brand activation, we designed a communication and amplification plan that lasted over two months, utilizing both Alpro’s channels and the ski resorts’ channels. Additionally, leveraging FGC Turisme’s strong audience reach and influence, we implemented a national-level media plan that allowed us to reach a much wider audience.



Pieces of content and posts


Online reach


Offline reach


PR Reach


Product tasting


New points of sale