Danone YoPRO
A new training peer for the everyday anonymous athlete
The starting point
Danone was about to enter the growing protein yogurt category with a new launch: YoPRO. Relating it to sports practice, it was also creating a new product category within Danone, aimed at a completely different target, from family to individual consumption. After many years supporting Danone in their sports marketing endeavors, we were asked to help them with the launching.
what we did
- + Brand positioning
- + Digital content plan
- + Communication plan
- + Partnerships strategic partners
- + Brand experiences creation
- + Product launch press release

The goal was to help Danone to define the brand positioning, the new targets for their product line, and the tone and communication strategy to reach them.

Our move
Because of Danone’s reputation as a high-quality product in Spanish households, and the long-lasting relationship between the brand and its consumers, we wanted to make sure we introduced the new category as another long-lasting companion in their consumers’ life.
YoPRO was to be the training peer of all the anonymous athletes that practice sport on a regular basis, the one that pushes them to run the extra mile and do the last set of push-ups, not by being an inflexible trainer, but by helping them overcome their own challenges.
We defined the brand’s position by creating different sports universes to communicate clearly through key messages and channels with each target. Firstly, the brand DNA was defined: vision, purpose, brand promise, personality and values. Through quantitative surveys and focus groups, we analyzed the targets to extract insights and determine how YoPRO could reach them and provide value. Different sport universes were defined to help the consumer relate to the product.
The second step was developing and putting into practice the strategy. With the activation plan focused on sporting events as a vehicle to connect with the different targets in a relevant way, we focused on the blue oceans of said events: the pre-event training and post-event recovery, as moments when consuming YoPRO is more relevant. Online content was created from the offline experiences and used to feed both social media channels and the brand website.